Literature in English

Literature in English

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This didactic unit is aimed at professors and future instructors of English interested in using literature as a vehicle for personal and professional growth. Designed as easily accessible material for students, the book takes them on a journey through the history of literature written in the English language. Readers will realize, nonetheless, that Literature in English comprises not only the written legacy of British-born authors, but also the impressive work of writers who grew up in places far beyond the British Isles and developed a code of their own to reach their audiences. The main purpose of this book is to show how literature is a product of its own time and socio-cultural milieu. However, in spite of differences in language forms and social conventions, a common human spirit underlies literature that speaks in a way everyone can appreciate.
  • JNF020010 NO FICCIÓN JUVENIL > Estudio de idioma extranjero > Ingles como segundo lenguaje
  • YPCK2
  • 2ACB
  • Enseñanza, lenguas modernas (no maternas/nativas o segundas): aprendizaje de idiomas
  • Inglés